
CWCC Ploughman’s Lunch

13th March 2012
Join Members at this months Ploughman's Lunch at 1 Chelsea Manor Street, SW3 12.45pm for 1pm - Guest speaker to be confirmed.Tickets: £6 (in advance), £8 (on the door).

An Evening and Talk with Professor Ken Howard OBE, RA

28th February 2012
Join Redcliffe Ward at Ken Howard’s studio in Chelsea. The venue information will only be supplied to ticket holder.Tickets; £25 to include wine and canapés - in advance only.Sorry - this event has sold out!

Brompton & Hans Town Ward AGM & Supper

27th February 2012
at 1 Chelsea Manor Street SW3. All Members living in Brompton and Hans Town Wards can attend the AGM.The AGM will be followed by a supper - Tickets £15.

A Private Visit to The Foreign and Commonwealth Office

16th February 2012
Join Hans Town Ward for a guided tour of the most impressive rooms of this rarely seen but fascinating building. Meeting at 3.45pm for our 4.00pm tour.Tickets £10 and limited to only 20 each day.This event has sold out

A Private Visit to The Foreign and Commonwealth Office

15th February 2012
Join Hans Town Ward for a guided tour of the most impressive rooms of this rarely seen but fascinating building. Meeting at 3.45pm for our 4.00pm tour.Tickets £10 and limited to only 20 each day.This event has sold out

CWCC Ploughman’s Lunch

14th February 2012
Join Members at this months Ploughman's Lunch at 1 Chelsea Manor Street, SW3 12.45pm for 1pm - Guest speaker to be confirmed.Tickets: £6 (in advance), £8 (on the door)

A Debate with Steven Baker MP & Syed Kamall MEP

9th February 2012
"What lessons should we learn from the financial crisis and how do we avoid a repeat?”The debate will be held at 1 Chelsea Manor Street SW3 - Tickets £20 in advance (£25 on the night) to include canapés and one glass of wine. 

Palace Riverside Ward AGM & Reception

7th February 2012
at 1 Chelsea Manor Street SW3. All Members living in Palace Riverside Ward can attend the AGM. The AGM will be followed by a reception Tickets £15 to include wine cheese and charcuteries.