Cllr Laura Burns, Cllr Gerard Hargreaves, Cllr Sonia Zvedeniuk
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Cllr Gerard Hargreaves
Gerard was born in Lancashire and went to university in Wales. He served in the British Army for seven years and now runs his own Management Consultancy specialising in Executive Development. He has lived in Kensington and Chelsea for 30 years.
Gerard was first elected to the Council in 2010 in a by-election for the old Cremorne ward, and has represented Chelsea Riverside since 2014. He has represented the borough on the Greater London Reserve Force and Cadets Association, and as a Council Appointed Trustee at the Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre. Over the last two years he has had the honour of being your Mayor in RBKC.
Cllr Sonia Zvedeniuk