Cllr Hamish Adourian
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Born and raised in Scotland, with a stint in Italy, I have lived in London all my adult life. Graduating with a degree in computer science & physics, I started my career as a software engineer in the financial industry, now working as head of sales & marketing for a financial software house. I am also an amateur writer of children's fiction, and have run author events at libraries and schools, as well as working with charities to help children with writing and storytelling skills, and developing entrepreneurship skills. Locally, I have been a primary school governor and ward panel representative on the Safer Neighbourhoods Board, and, of course, serving as Councillor for Earl’s Court since 2018. My aim is to ensure Earl’s Court remains a good place to live, work and visit, and to tackle anti-social behaviour, environmental problems, housing provision, the future of the high street, and the Earl’s Court development site. It is important we have a Council that responds to residents’ concerns, and reflects our priorities for the area—I run regular surgeries around Earl’s Court, and always available to meet or speak about any local matter.
Cllr Malcom Spalding 1948-2022
It is with great sadness that we write to inform you of the passing of Cllr Malcolm Spalding on 11th March. Malcolm represented Earl’s Court with great pride and was often referred to as Mr Earl’s Court by those who knew him well. As well as representing us at the Council, he was also the proud chair of the Earl’s Court Society, which brought together the interests of all residents’ associations in the area. Our community has not only lost a kind and generous man, but its finest standard bearer and champion. His loss will be felt across the Borough and beyond.