Cllr Aarien Areti, Cllr Lucy Knight, Cllr Johnny Thalassites
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First Tuesday of every month, 7 to 8 pm at St John the Baptist Church, Holland Rd, W14 8AH
Cllr Aarien Areti
Aarien was elected as a councillor for Holland in 2018. He is a member of the Licensing, Planning, and Environment Select Committees. Aarien has a keen interest in transport and the environment. He organised local campaigns and is very active in dealing with residents' issues in the ward. As a technology entrepreneur, Aarien is passionate about technology and has a special interest in international trade and relations. He also runs a global think tank on international trade and relations.
Cllr Johnny Thalassites
Johnny became a councillor for Holland in 2018. He was appointed the Council's Lead Member for Planning and Transport in May 2019, before serving as Lead Member for Planning, Place and The Environment until May 2022. He is now the Lead Member for Finance and Customer Delivery, as well as Chief Whip for the Conservative Group. Having grown up in a housing association flat in Chelsea, Johnny now lives in a flat in Notting Hill. In his professional life he has experience in Journalism and Education, and now works in Public Affairs.
Cllr Lucy Knight
Lucy was elected as a councillor for Holland Ward in 2022. She grew up in Kensington and Chelsea with her family and has lived in Notting Hill for the last 4 years. Lucy studied International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies at Exeter. She now works as a political consultant and has previously worked on a number of international campaigns since helping support the Clinton Campaign in the 2016 US elections.
Lucy enjoys giving back to the community through a number of local charities, including having been a Community Mentor for the Octavia Foundation in North Kensington. Most recently she has focussed her efforts in mentoring Afghan refugees arriving into the UK following the Kabul evacuation in 2021.
Lucy cares passionately about getting young people more involved in politics and their communities, and about mental health, particularly of young people with the impact that the pandemic has had on opportunities for employment and education. She has a keen interest in the environment, and is committed to enhancing our parks, improving our air quality, and ensuring RBKC remains one of the greenest boroughs in the country.