Cllr Stéphanie Petit & Cllr David Lindsay
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Cllr. Stéphanie Petit
Stephanie was elected in the Norland Ward by-election, held on 2nd May 2024. Stéphanie has resided in London for over 25 years, having lived in Kensington with her husband and children since 2008. Her community work has included supporting local food banks, fundraising for school scholarships, and serving as a Kensington resident liaison with the Independent Advisory Group at the MET. Stéphanie has played a key role in advocating for police presence across the Borough, and vitally, a continued police presence at Notting Hill Police Station. She has also been actively campaigning to keep Holland Park tube station operational and to oppose the current form of the Holland Park Roundabout project.
Cllr. David Lindsay
David was born in Holland Park, was brought up in Lansdowne Road, and has been a Norland councillor since 2002. He served as the Chairman of Families and Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee for five years, before joining the Leadership Team for 3 years in June 2017, serving initially as Lead Member for Finance and Corporate Services and latterly for Families and Children’s Services. He has returned to the back benches, and now sits on the Overview and Scrutiny and the Audit and Transparency Committees. He lives with his family and can often be seen in RBKC’s parks with their cockerpoo.
Further details, including Committee information and outside body appointments, can be found here.